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Norlandair býður upp á leiguflug, bæði farþegaflug og vöruflutninga.
Við höfum yfir tveimur vélartegundum að ráða, annars vegar Beech 200 Kingair sem tekur 9 farþega og hins vegar DHC6 Twin Otter sem tekur 19 farþega.
Fyrir frekari upplýsingar vinsamlega hafið samband við skrifstofu í tölvupósti norlandair@norlandair.is eða í síma 414-6960.


King Air
Beechcraft 2000
The King Air line of aircraft is comprised of a number of model series that fall into four families: the Model 90 series, Model 100 series, Model 200 series, and Model 300 series. Production of the Beechcraft Super King Air family (Model 200 and 300) began in 1972 and is still currently active. Several variants of the original SuperKing Air design exist, including the updated King Air B200.
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Twin Otter
The de-Havilland DHC-6 Twin Otter is a 19 seat STOL (short takeoff & landing) aircraft. They can be highly adaptable as bush planes whether they are fitted with skis, floats or normal landing gears.
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